With all the different types of massage, it can be difficult to choose which one is best for you. Should you go with a English massage or aromatherapy massage? If you’re not sure then don’t worry you are in the right place. To prevent confusion we created this handy guide to 11 expert types of massage therapy. Then, read all the way to the end for a bonus section including a cost guide!

1. English Massage

If you aren’t familiar with massage therapy then you might be wondering, what is a English massage? A English physiologist came up with this form of massage therapy in the 1800s. Today it is one of the most common types of massage in the West.

In particular, English massage treatments targets soft tissues like the skin and muscles. According to Massage Therapy UK, it uses these five massage techniques, “effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), friction, tapotement (percussion), and vibration.”

English massage techniques are versatile and often serve as a base for other types of massage. It is a gentle form of massage designed to relax you.  An increase in circulation is one of the associated English massage benefits. In addition, English massage therapists also often treat sports injuries.

Are you looking for a English massage therapist in the UK? Click the button below to get bespoke bids from massage therapists in your area:

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2. Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage targets chronic pain in deep muscle layers. During the massage, a massage therapist will apply intense pressure to the painful area. They will also use slow movements to soothe these areas.

This type of massage is more intensive so it can cause some pain for a few days following the treatment. Still, a good therapist will communicate to manage pain levels and ensure your comfort. This type of massage and can help break down scar tissue. It is also designed to help with pain management when you are recovering from injuries or surgery. Get bids from massage therapists in your area.

3. Thai Massage

Thai massage originated during Buddha’s lifetime 2,500 years ago. The system was likely created by Buddha’s friend, a doctor named Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha. Thai massage focuses on the concept of ‘chi’ or energy flow and the removal of blockages in the chi.

It is one of the most energising types of massage. This is because the therapist gradually moves you into a series of positions. These positions resemble yoga postures. The massage therapist will invite you to lie on a mat, fully clothed while they stretch your limbs. A full session can take one to two hours.

Thai massage treatments are especially beneficial if you want to increase your flexibility and circulation. It can also help reduce stress and lift your energy levels!

4. Reiki Healing

Reiki is a traditional Japanese holistic healing treatment. During a session, the Reiki practitioner will guide healing energy to the affected area. Sometimes they will also incorporate crystals. Reiki practitioners use crystals based on the idea that they direct healing energy.

Reiki focuses on the principle that the key to a healthy life incorporates body, mind and spirit. According to the University of Minnesota, the science behind Reiki still remains unproven.

There is no hard science to back up Reiki as of yet. So, it is mostly described as a method of healing emotional and mental stress. It is thought that when Reiki alleviates these stresses they stop compromising the immune system.

Would you like to address your stress and find emotional or spiritual healing? Get bids for Reiki healing in your budget.